More than 36 million rubles were collected to the Federal budget of the Astrakhan customs officers

More than 36 million rubles were collected to the Federal budget of the Astrakhan customs

Astrakhan custom joined the Federal budget of 36.3 million rubles as a result of foreclosure of the administrative penalty unfair participant of foreign economic activities.

Astrakhan Astrakhan customs post customs was made conditional release of a tow in accordance with the customs procedure of temporary import (admission) with the provision of partial conditional exemption from customs duties and taxes owned by a foreign company.

The purpose of temporary importation of tug was used in the development of oil and gas condensate field located in the Caspian sea. However, in violation of the customs legislation, the charterer of the tug signed a contract time Charter with one of the Astrakhan firms and handed it out. A few months tug with the status of conditionally released goods, illegally used for commercial purposes without the permission of customs authorities.

As a result of the Desk audit revealed the circumstances giving rise to initiation of proceedings about an administrative offence under article 16.21 of the administrative code of the Russian Federation on the fact of illegal use of conditionally issued goods. In the course of an administrative investigation, evidence was received of a person’s guilt in committing an administrative offense and the decision on bringing a person to administrative responsibility and imposing punishment in the form of an administrative fine.

The case was appealed in court, but the court confirmed the legality of the position of the Astrakhan customs and the legality of the decision. Administrative fine for violation of the customs legislation paid in full.