More than 160 million rubles of benefits on payment of customs payments received by the residents of the free port of Vladivostok and THOR on the Kamchatka Peninsula in the 1st quarter of 2020

In the 1st quarter of 2020 residents of free port of Vladivostok (SPV) and territories of priority development (tpd) “Kamchatka” granted exemptions from payment of customs payments in the amount of about 161,3 million rubles. The company has imported more than 600 tonnes of foreign goods, the statistical value of 9.3 million dollars.

Residents of imported goods has been issued under the customs procedure of free customs zone that allows you not to pay customs duties and taxes. A prerequisite is the use of such items solely on a specially equipped and furnished for these purposes the plot.

The largest consignment (building materials) imported by a resident of free port of Vladivostok, building a hotel complex in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.

Also in Q1 2020, the residents of TOR “Kamchatka” declared under the customs procedure of free customs zone various equipment for fish processing plants.

Now in the Kamchatka region has 4 of the customs control zone created for the use of the customs procedure of free customs zone. 3 of them are created on sites residents of TOR “Kamchatka”, 1 – area resident SPV.

Soon another resident plans to make use of this procedure. The company implements an investment project on construction in Olyutorsky district of the Kamchatka Krai fish processing plant with the processing capacity of raw materials up to 210 tons per day.


In 2019, residents and SPV TOR “Kamchatka” were granted privileges on customs payments for a total amount of 559,3 million. Statistical value of goods placed under free customs zone procedure (equipment, materials, profilegibochnogo equipment for the production of steel), amounted to 36.5 million dollars.

Tatiana Lesina

press Secretary of the Kamchatka customs

phone: 8 (4152)218-919