Krasnoyarsk citizen tried to smuggle cultural values in China
When carrying out customs control of flight “Krasnoyarsk – Beijing” officials of the customs post Airport Krasnoyarsk Krasnoyarsk customs found in the Luggage of one of passengers of stamps, badges, postcards, a pen, a statuette and a vase that were in use.
These products has caused problems in customs to 64-year-old Krasnoyarsk, as these subjects could be cultural values that fall under the authorization procedure of export from the territory of the Eurasian economic Union. In other words, the export of cultural goods as goods for personal use is possible in the presence authorization document and with the submission of the passenger customs Declaration.
The passenger explained that these items belong to the citizen of China, who acquired them in the online store of Russian collectors and asked him to deliver the goods. That they can relate to cultural values, in the words of Krasnoyarsk, he didn’t know.
To check whether the goods are found to cultural values, Krasnoyarsk customs officers sent them for examination. Customs examiner concluded that these are only part of the product: badges and figurine of chalcedony.
Due to the fact that the man had no permits for these items and have not filed the customs Declaration when they are exported, officials of the customs office initiated against him on administrative offences under part 1 of article 16.2 of the administrative code (failure to declare in the prescribed form of goods subject to customs Declaration) and article 16.3 of the administrative code (violation of the prohibitions and (or) restrictions on import of goods into the customs territory of the Eurasian economic Union or the Russian Federation and (or) export of goods from the customs territory of the Eurasian economic Union or the Russian Federation).
The punishment for the offender and the fate of cultural values will determine the court.
Anna Pomaskina,
the press Secretary of the Krasnoyarsk customs