Kaluga customs recalls the terms of use of temporarily imported vehicles for personal use on the territory of the Eurasian economic Union
According to the current customs legislation allowed temporary importation into the customs territory of the Eurasian economic Union (Russian Federation, Republic of Belarus, Republic of Kazakhstan, the Republic of Armenia and the Kyrgyz Republic) foreign physical persons of vehicles for personal use registered in a state other than a member of the Eurasian economic Union (hereinafter EAEC), for a period not exceeding 1 year, with exemption from customs payments.
The person carries out the temporary importation of vehicles for personal use are required to strictly follow the period of temporary importation and use of the vehicle.
Without the permission of the customs authority without the customs Declaration may be transferred by the declarant to the following vehicles for personal use:
1) temporarily imported vehicle for personal use – possession of another person for maintenance, repairs (except overhaul and upgrading) and (or) storage;
2) vehicle for personal use, temporarily imported by a natural person of a member state, – his parents, children, spouse (spouse), consisting (consisting) in a registered marriage;
3) vehicle for personal use, temporarily imported by foreign physical person – other foreign individuals.
Prior to the expiration of the period of temporary importation of the vehicle must be exported from the customs territory of the EAEU, or transferred under a customs procedure.
For the purpose of extending the period for temporary importation must contact the authorized customs authority for such extension. It should be noted that not every customs body has the right to prolong the specified period.
By order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of 14 January 2020 defines the list of customs bodies authorized to extend the period of temporary importation of vehicles for personal use.
For violation of term of temporary import of the vehicle and (or) order of use of the vehicle for personal use the penalty, and the vehicle should be detained.
Press Secretary of the Kaluga customs
Ekaterina Zhdanova