Kaluga Customs: more than 400 administrative offense cases were initiated for violation of statistical forms submission

For 11 months of 2023 in the region of Kaluga Customs registered more than 13.5 thousand statistical forms of accounting of the movement of goods in mutual trade with EAEU member states (Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan).
During this period, 422 protocols on administrative offenses were drawn up on the facts of non-compliance with the procedure for submission of statistical forms. Fines amounting to more than 630 thousand rubles were collected.
Kaluga Customs reminds that the statistical form is submitted in the form of an electronic document filled out in «Personal cabinet of the participant of foreign trade» on the official website of the Federal Customs Service of Russia. The statistical form for the reporting month must be sent no later than the 10th working day of the calendar month following the calendar month of shipment or receipt of goods.
For non-submission, late submission or submission of inaccurate information to the customs authority statistical form provides for administrative responsibility with a fine – for officials in the amount of 10 to 15 thousand rubles, for legal entities in the amount of 20 to 50 thousand rubles. For a repeated violation the amount of the fine is doubled.
If you have any questions regarding the submission of statistical forms, interested parties can contact the customs statistics division of Kaluga Customs by phone (4842) 715-753, 715-798.
Ekaterina Zhdanova,
kaluga Customs spokesperson
8-915-892-12-47, 8 (4842) 715 728