In the Samara customs held a coordination meeting with the tax authorities
In the Samara customs held a coordination meeting with the tax authorities
On the basis of the Samara customs held a working meeting of the Interdepartmental working group of the Samara customs and Management of Federal tax service in the Samara region.
In the practice of the departments of customs control after release of goods have already come to such meetings, but the relevance of their conduct is not reduced. The main task of the departments of replenishment of the Federal budget. Implement it including through carrying out joint control measures. Thus, the results of 2019 in the course of joint activities with tax authorities was held on 5 coordinated control actions, the results of customs control, the amount of additionally charged customs payments amounted to more than 30 million rubles, 3 criminal cases, 4 cases of administrative offences.
Addressing problems related to the organization and conduct of such events, was dedicated to the meeting. They discussed the issues of selection and coordination for joint verification form and a list of situations that may indicate signs of violations of tax and customs legislation, the organization of information exchange between tax and customs authorities in respect of traders, who are obliged to calculate and pay the recycling fee on importation of vehicles into the territory of the Russian Federation and others.
Also was organized a training seminar in which participants worked out issues of interaction of departments at carrying out of control in respect of persons carrying out activities in the sphere of turnover of timber and timber products, illegal withdrawal of funds outside the territory of the Russian Federation under foreign trade contracts related to the provision of transport services of verification activities in respect of certain categories of goods subject to mandatory labeling requirements and the reimbursement (return) of VAT and excise duties in connection with the implementation of foreign trade operations.
Alla Tarceva
The press-Secretary of the Samara customs