In the Baltic customs is actively working on the prevention of corruption
In the Baltic customs on a permanent basis is working to strengthen official discipline and prevention of facts of inducement to officials of the Baltic customs for committing corruption offences, formation of the officers of the law-abiding, loyalty, duty, diligence, high professional qualities, intolerant attitude to corruption.
In formulating integrated measures prevention of misconduct in customs is conducted analytical work on the study of the causes and conditions of occurrence of violations of discipline, prepared quarterly reviews of the state of discipline and observance of the legislation on counteraction of corruption in customs, which is sent to all customs posts and departments to bring to officials.
On a regular basis is the methodical help to heads of structural divisions of customs on the organization of individual educational and preventive work aimed at combating corruption and strengthening of discipline.
– The main and preferred form of the prevention of violations of discipline is to conduct internal audits, – the chief of Department of inspection and of prevention of offenses of the Baltic customs Natalia kilimnik. – To identify the facts, circumstances and reasons for the Commission by officials of disciplinary offenses in 2019 in the Baltic customs conducted 216 inspections by results of which the officers of the Baltic customs applied 220 disciplinary action.
An important component of anti-corruption work in customs is the work of the Commission on observance of requirements to office behavior of civil servants of the Russian Federation and settlement of conflict of interests (evaluation committees). In 2019 in the Baltic customs held 37 meetings of the commissions, and discussed the 191 question of possible non-compliance by customs officials of requirements for official conduct, possible conflicts of interests as well as non-compliance with the responsibilities and limitations associated with the passage of the public service.
In 2019, conducted 16 inspections in accordance with regulations approved by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation from September, 21st, 2009 № 1065.
In 2019 for failure to comply with restrictions and prohibitions, requirements on prevention or settlement of conflict of interests and failure to perform duties prescribed in order to counter corruption, the 13 officers of the customs applied penalties, 3 of them dismissed from service in connection with loss of trust, 6 officers received a reprimand and a 4 – point.
Organized the implementation of the training and testing of officers of the Baltic customs on activities in the “info control”. In the hours of professional study to the officers of the customs brought special reports on discipline and criminal cases against officials of the customs authorities, organized the re-examination of anti-corruption legislation.
Work on additional clarification of the subordinate officials at dismissal from service in customs bodies of the legislation of the Russian Federation regarding restrictions on citizens, displaced post of civil service, at the conclusion of their employment contracts with commercial or non-commercial organizations after his dismissal from the service.
In addition, in 2019 in the Baltic customs carried out a sociological study among the officials to assess the level of corruption and effectiveness of anti-corruption measures.
In the administrative buildings of the customs and customs posts there are information boards for the prevention and combating corruption, which constantly aktualisierte materials on the work of the Commission on observance of requirements to office behaviour of civil servants of the Russian Federation and settlement of conflict of interests, the helpline about the changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation on these issues.
The organization of admission and intrabuilding regime, the order of placement of officials in charge of customs operations and customs control, minimize personal contact with the participants of foreign economic activity, customs representatives.
Reference: helpline of the Baltic customs – (812) 640 37 02. Citizens can send the helpline information on instances of corruption on the part of officials of the customs bodies regarding the violations of the procedure of execution of customs procedures and customs control, the misconduct of customs officers in the performance of official duties, to make suggestions about measures on perfection of activity of customs bodies. Helpline operates around the clock.
Alina Schmidt,
press Secretary of the Baltic customs