The results of the law enforcement activities of the Saratov customs in 2019
The results of the law enforcement activities of the Saratov customs in 2019
For 2019, the Saratov customs was initiated 12 criminal cases, 6 of them are smuggling of drugs, 1 – smuggling of goods for military purposes, 1 – the smuggling of valuable wildlife, 3 – evasion of customs duties, 1 – illegal use of documents for legal entity. Withdrawn from illegal circulation 505,76 grams of controlled substances.
Last year the Saratov customs was 1115 cases of administrative offenses (AP). Of the total number of cases against legal persons brought 664 cases of AP in individuals 45 cases of AP in respect of individual entrepreneurs – 164 cases of AP in respect of officers, 242 cases of AP.
Remain the most common offences relating to the untimely submission to the customs authorities of statistical forms of the account of movement of goods, the illegal use of another’s trademark, in violation of the currency legislation.
In 2019 on Affairs about AP 1113 adopted decisions and punish them in the amount of 297 million 045 thousand rubles. The competent authorities in 2019, was given the property turned into the Federal cost, the total cost of 6 million 843 thousand rubles.
In summing up the law enforcement activities of the customs bodies of Privolzhsky region in 2019 Saratov customs was among the three most effective customs of the district.
Anatoly Poluboyarov
The press Secretary of the Saratov customs