In Moscow customs summed up the work with statistical forms for six months in 2020

From the beginning of 2020 in Moscow customs was 165,74 thousand of the statistical forms of the account of movement of goods. With the use of electronic signatures presented 148,99 thousand statistical forms on paper – 16,75 thousand

The average monthly in the region of Moscow customs recorded net loss of 27.62 thousand statistical forms, and this figure is constantly increasing.

The audit identified more than 11.5 thousand cases of alleged Declaration of false information in the submitted statistical forms. More than 10 thousand of the statistical forms submitted to the customs authority in violation of the terms. During this period, 1678 drawn up protocols about the AP article 19.7.13 of the administrative code of Russia.

Moscow customs encourages traders to make wider use of electronic signature for the submission of statistical forms through the official Internet site of the FCS of Russia (section “Representation of statistical form”).

For the approval of statistical forms traders can use the same electronic signature used when declaring goods in electronic form. The electronic signature certifies the completeness and accuracy of the information submitted by the applicant. To obtain an electronic signature is a trader can in the customs authorities or to a trusted certificate authority. Information about the certificate key of electronic signature is posted on the website of the Departmental certification authority of the customs bodies in the section “instructions for the issuance of certificates of keys of electronic signature”.

On the website of the FCS of Russia (section “Representation of statistical form”) posted detailed instructions for foreign economic activity participants on the procedure for completing and submitting statistical forms, including about the advantages of application of electronic signature:

– complete e-filing statistical forms that do not require representation on a paper medium;

– receive registration number of statistical forms within 1 minute.

Customs authorities are interested in expanding the circle of participants of foreign trade activities, which represent a statistical form using an electronic signature. Electronic submission of statistical forms speeds up the data processing. Traders should note that the use of electronic signatures do not need to send this data on paper.

Moscow customs warns For failure to submit, late submission to the customs authorities of statistical forms of the account of movement of goods and for the submission of statistical forms containing inaccurate information, in conformity with article 19.7.13 administrative code provides punishment in the form of imposing a fine on officials in the amount from 10 to 15 thousand rubles, on legal entities – from 20 to 50 thousand rubles. Re-committing an administrative offense punishable by an administrative fine on officials in the amount from 20 to 30 thousand rubles; on legal entities – from 50 to 100 thousand rubles.

Individual entrepreneurs are liable on a par with legal entities.

The person is released from administrative liability for violation of the article 19.7.13, in the case of voluntary, timely (prior to the detection by customs authorities of the offence) the submission to the customs authority of the Declaration of cancellation of the statistical form containing false information, with the simultaneous introduction of the new statistical forms with accurate information.

“Statistical form of the account of movement of goods is populated on the website of the FCS of Russia. In electronic form it can be submitted via personal Cabinet of the participant of foreign economic activity on the same site in the presence of an electronic signature. On paper the statistical form is served personally or sent by post to the customs office (including customs post), in the region of which the applicant is registered in the tax office, not later than the 8th working day of the month following the reporting”, – says Svetlana Sonicheva, head of the Department of customs statistics.

Get advice on issues related to submission of statistical forms using electronic signatures, you can contact at the address: Moscow, Profsoyuznaya street, 125. Possible preliminary record by phone: 8 (495) 276 47 23. Monday – Thursday from 9:00 to 18:00 (lunch break from 13:00 to 13:45), Friday from 9:00 to 16:45 (lunch break from 13:00 to 13:45); Saturday and Sunday – days off.

Alina Ulyanova,
press Secretary of the Moscow customs