Customs Declaration of the CTS is concentrated in Moscow Cede

By the end of 2020 at the Moscow customs post Center electronic Declaration of the Moscow customs office (MCAD) will focus the array Declaration to the customs authorities. The customs on 31 July 2020 will be reassigned to the Central e-customs and renamed the Central customs post (the electronic Declaration center) (CCAD).

Since July 29, 2020 March 1, 2021, an experiment on the division of customs operations, connected with adoption of customs declarations submitted in electronic form (DT) and the implementation of customs operations preceding the submission of DT, and also carrying out customs control (Experiment). The customs posts subordinate to Lipetsk, Yaroslavl, Tula, Kursk, Moscow, Voronezh, Kaluga, Belgorod, Bryansk, Vladimir (with 27.08.2020) and Smolensk (with 01.10.2020 in part of customs posts, located in Tver region) included in the experiment as customs posts actual customs control in cooperation with MCAD (CCAD).

The center for electronic Declaration customs operations connected with the adoption of the DT and the documents submitted for customs operations and customs control, in electronic form, and also conduct verification and release of the documents confirming data declared in the customs Declaration in electronic form and conduct their inspections.

The actual customs posts of the customs control is carried out customs operations preceding the submission of DT associated with the conduct of customs control in the forms of customs inspection and customs inspection, with the application of measures ensuring customs control (customs surveillance and sampling of products) and also other customs operations in respect of goods in the absence of CED respective competences and the technical implementation of such competence. In addition, they register the customs Declaration in respect of goods declared with the submission of the license (s) of the Federal service for military-technical cooperation, as well as the goods moved in one commodity party with such goods.

Department of public relations of TSTU