A thousand packets of cigarettes detected by the customs officers in the wheels of the car
A thousand packets of cigarettes detected by the customs officers in the wheels of the car
996 packs of cigarettes were found by customs officers in the wheels of the car at the customs post MAPP (multilateral automobile checkpoint) Blinker the Pskov customs at the Russian-Latvian border.
The citizen of Latvia, going from the customs territory of the Eurasian economic Union, did not declare neither in writing nor verbally and not presented to the customs control moved their goods. Car brand AUDI A4 was directed to the inspection use of inspection complexes.
When analysis of the image had a suspicion about the presence in the wheels of foreign investments. As a result of customs inspection, all four wheels discovered the cigarettes produced in Uzbekistan. Total weight concealed from customs control of goods amounted to more than 20 kg.
In fact, concealment of goods from customs control by using methods that hinder detection of goods, criminal case concerning an administrative offense under part 2 of article 16.1 of the code of administrative offences of the Russian Federation. Cigarettes seized for safekeeping. The assigned examiner.
Natalia Knyazeva,
press Secretary of the Pskov customs