456 billion rubles transferred to the Federal budget of the Russian customs
The Baltic customs has summarized the work for 2019.
Since the beginning of 2019 the Baltic customs transferred to the Federal budget of customs duties and taxes in the amount of 456 billion 539 million rubles. Target met 100%.
Foreign trade turnover in the region of activity of customs made up 33.99 billion US dollars (in 2018 35,08 billion US dollars).
For 2019 in the region of the Baltic customs foreign trade operations were carried out 10 736 participants of foreign economic activity (in 2018 – 10 879 traders), 53 customs carrier 351 and the customs representative, there were 2 temporary storage (1 open, 1 closed), 5 customs warehouses, 45 permanent customs control zones, and 9 duty free shops.
Turnover amounted to 16.8 million tonnes (to 2018 – 15.4 million tons). The number of arrivals in region of activity of customs in 2019 containers increased by 7% and amounted to 635980 (in 2018 – 592 845).
Officials of the Baltic customs for 2019 issued more than 336 thousand customs declarations (in 2018 – more than 342 thousand customs declarations), most of which – Declaration of import (more than 303 thousand).
In 2019 in the region of the Baltic customs, the number of feature courts zagranplavanija made 10 of 326 (for 2018 – 10 463). The average day is shaped by 28 vessels. The state border in the region of customs activities crossed more than 2.2 million individuals (in 2018 2.18 million individuals). The average day was formed about 6 thousand individuals.
Throughout the year, Russian customs has been active in the work to improve customs operations and procedures, aimed at minimizing costs of participants of foreign economic activities, the simplification and acceleration of processes of customs control. In 2019 the Baltic customs automatically was 86,6% and automatically released 41% of export customs declarations. Only automatically registered more than 250 thousand goods declarations.
From 1 July 2019, after the introduction of mandatory preliminary information about goods imported into the territory of the Eurasian economic Union (EEU) water transport in the Baltic customs through KPS “Portal port” 1408 was filed prior information. Recall that the portal is designed to provide the joint work of participants of foreign economic activity, the Federal Executive authorities and other participants in Maritime transport in the sea ports of the Russian Federation on the basis of the principles and mechanisms of the Single window and electronic document management.
In the region of the Baltic customs, the goods were exported to 161 countries of the world, were imported from 160 countries. Mainly exported wood and wood products, ferrous metals, ores, slag and ash salt, sulphur, earths and stone, paper and paperboard, imported fruits, polymeric materials, organic chemicals, ferrous metals, machinery, fish and crustaceans, vehicles, mixed chemical products, products of processing of vegetables, fruits, meat and meat products. Most of the exports were delivered to China, Turkey, Sweden, Lithuania, Egypt, the Netherlands, United Kingdom, Finland, India and Germany; imports from China, Ecuador, Germany, Korea, India, South Africa, Argentina, Brazil, Morocco and the United States.
Baltic customs in 2019 identified 497 thousand units of counterfeit goods, the amount of avoided damage to copyright holders amounted to 116,8 million. The bulk of violations of intellectual property rights accounted for such goods as spectacle cases, perfume bottles, watches.
An important direction in work of the Baltic customs is to combat violations of the customs legislation. Through the work of the law enforcement unit of the Baltic customs in 2019, there were over 3000 cases of administrative offences and 50 criminal cases.
Help: Baltic customs (the largest sea border, the Russian customs) is a subdivision of the North-Western customs administration. The region of the Baltic customs – sea port Big port Saint Petersburg, marine multilateral checkpoint Passenger port Saint Petersburg, Kronstadt district of St. Petersburg, municipal formation – the town of Lomonosov, Petrodvortsovy district of St. Petersburg. In the structure of the custom functions 7 custom posts: Turukhtanny, Forest port, Kronstadt, the Harbor, skipper, Bronka and Baltic customs post (CED). The results of the work in 2019, the bulk of transfers to the Federal budget of customs payments in the Northwest region are the Baltic customs. Traditionally, the enumeration be 65-67% of the total volume of transfers SZTU.
Alina Schmidt,
press Secretary of the Baltic customs