Thousands of protective suits and masks from Turkey issued the North Ossetian customs
Thousands of protective suits and masks from Turkey issued the North Ossetian customs
In North Ossetia there has arrived a cargo with personal protective equipment for the Republican doctors that are fighting the epidemic of coronavirus, experiencing a lack of personal protective equipment. All customs officers issued four thousand protective suits, three thousand medical and ten thousand reusable masks.
Due to the current epidemiological situation in Turkey has a law that restricts the export of medical products. At the same time, all operations for the processing of goods on the territory of the Russian Federation were exempted from payment of customs duty and value added tax.
– We understand the ultimate importance of this supply, because it is designed for professionals who are at the forefront in the fight against coronavirus. All operations with cargo carried out as a matter of priority, – commented head of the customs office of the Vladikavkaz Aslan Basiev.
Humanitarian assistance to the countrymen had the Ossetian Diaspora from Turkey. According to doctors, a new batch of protective equipment should be enough for three weeks.
Diana Haewa,
press Secretary of the North Ossetian customs