The youth Council of the Vladimirskiy customs presented the library books
The youth Council of the Vladimirskiy customs gave books to the library
The youth Council of the Vladimirskiy customs transferred several books about the history of customs Vladimir regional scientific library. It continues to work exhibition dedicated to the International day of customs officer. The books will replenish the library Fund and will be useful to readers students.
Manual “Customs business in Russia X – XX centuries” contains historical essays, documents and materials collected by a team of the St. Petersburg branch of Russian customs Academy. The book “the Birth of a nation” was published for the 15th anniversary of the Central customs administration and includes beautiful illustrations on the history of customs. The book “Symbols customs service of Russia” will be of interest to collectors of the paraphernalia of state bodies.
A book exhibition “International customs cooperation”, prepared by the informational-bibliographic Department of the library, in General, introduces the history of customs and customs policy of Russia and foreign countries, the texts of the normative acts regulating customs activities and offers a number of textbooks and monographs on customs.
Natalia Odintsova,
press Secretary of the Vladimirskiy customs