The use of privileges on payment of customs duties in the framework of measures aimed at preventing and stopping the spread COVID-19
The use of privileges on payment of customs duties in the framework of measures aimed at preventing and stopping the spread COVID-19
This webinar will consider the application of the provisions of the Council decision Eurasian economic Commission on 16.03.2020 No. 21 (ed. by 03.04.2020) “On amendments to some decisions of the Customs Union Commission and on approval of list of goods imported into the customs territory of the Eurasian economic Union in order to implement the member States of the Eurasian economic Union measures aimed at the prevention and prevention of the spread of coronavirus infections 2019-nCoV”, the decision of the Council of the Eurasian economic Commission dated 3 April 2020 n 33 “About modification of some decisions of the Customs Union Commission and on approval of the list of goods of critical import” and the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation from 02.04.2020 № 419 “On the implementation of the decisions of the Council of the Eurasian economic Commission dated March 16, 2020 No. 21, amending the list of medical goods, which realisation in territory of the Russian Federation and whose import into the territory of the Russian Federation and other territories under its jurisdiction not taxable (exempt from taxation) with value-added tax, and exemption from providing security for the performance of the obligation to pay customs duties and taxes”.
The webinar will be held 23.04.2020 at 11.00 am on the official website of the FCS of Russia in the social network Facebook