The FCS of Russia hosted a meeting with representatives of the FIAC
18 Feb 2020 FCS of Russia, held a meeting with representatives of the working group on improving tax and customs legislation of the Advisory Council for foreign investments (FIAC).
Federal customs service was represented by first Deputy head of the FCS of Russia Ruslan Davydov, the business community – the coordinator of the working group, Vice President, corporate Affairs Mars Russia Maxim Vasilevsky.
Opening the meeting, Ruslan Davydov congratulated the company Mars with obtaining AEO status.
Ruslan Davydov: “We are interested that the circle of persons included in the ranks of the ueo, extended. This is our strategic priority”.
To date, the AEO status in Russia have 110 companies. A limiting factor in the expansion of this list are the similarity simplifications for the AEO and traders have low risk and complexity in the organization access to internal accounting systems of companies.
Ruslan Davydov: “To a “green sector” of business today is related more than 11.5 thousand companies. This is our potential and reserve for the transition to the AEO status, what FCS will actively promote”.
Maxim Vasilevsky expressed appreciation for the work of the FCS of Russia work on perfection of customs administration, including in the framework of AEO. According to him, for development of the institution of AEO is further work, in particular in the field of information systems.
Creating a safe supply chain, the participants of which are only trusted company, will facilitate mutual recognition of AEO with foreign States. It will allow to create favorable conditions for customs clearance of bona fide companies to optimally and efficiently allocate resources of customs bodies during the customs control.
In 2019, the Federal customs service of Russia in the framework of this work signed primary documents – plans, Memorandum on mutual recognition of AEO with customs services of China, South Korea, Turkey and Japan. Based on them will be held to develop and prepare for signing of agreements on mutual recognition of AEO.
The meeting also discussed the categorization of traders, levying of penalties pending determination of the customs value and the issues of reclassification of complex power equipment.
The Advisory Council on foreign investments (FIAC) was established in 1994 as a result of joint efforts of the Government of the Russian Federation and foreign companies with the aim of improving the investment climate in Russia.
The Council’s goal is to provide Russia’s assistance in the formation and development of favourable investment climate through the use of world experience and experience of international companies in Russia.
The Council is chaired by the President of the Government of the Russian Federation is composed of 53 international companies and banks.
Working groups formed of representatives of the companies-members of FIAC and the relevant ministries and agencies. They hold regular meetings whose primary purpose is to develop proposals and recommendations on key issues in the development of the Russian economy.
Read more about FIAC: