The application of new customs technologies as a preventive measure in conditions of a pandemic coronavirus
In connection with the pandemic coronavirus (COVID-19) all state organs shall be taken of the organizational, preventive and precautionary measures aimed at preventing the importation and spread of novel coronavirus infection in the Russian Federation.
According to the explanations of the CPS distancing is one of the main preventive and precautionary measures to prevent the spread of infectious diseases, including novel coronavirus infection.
Primarily these measures are put in checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation by minimizing contact with persons crossing the state border.
This is achieved, including through the introduction in practice of work of customs bodies of perspective customs technologies.
Among these technologies autoregistration electronic transit declarations (ETD) and automatic release of goods in transit.
The algorithm of these technologies laid the checks on the absence of grounds for refusal of registration of the transit Declaration, as well as compliance with the procedure for its completion and the terms of issue of the declared goods.
The transition to paperless technology through automation of processes ETD registration and Declaration of goods placed under the customs procedure of customs transit, allows not only to significantly reduce the time of customs operations, but also improve the level of information interaction of customs bodies and participants of foreign economic activities while minimizing personal contacts.
Since the introduction of ECD technology auto-enrollment and automatic release of transit goods (may and December 2019, respectively) in the region of the southern customs Directorate in automatic mode was about 7 thousand ETD, automatic checking of the conditions of release have successfully passed more than 2 thousand ETD.
In General, the initial stage of the implementation of these technologies has shown the relevance of this institution for the development of electronic Declaration of transit, as evidenced by positive dynamics of indicators of their application. So, if last year using the technology of auto-enrollment on a monthly basis recorded an average of 520 that, in the current year is about 900 ETD, average monthly rates of application of technology of automatic production last year amounted to 340 ETD in the current year – about 500 ETD.
At the same time as practice shows, the main factor hampering the implementation of these technologies, is the incorrect filling of the ETD.
The majority of errors made by the declarants in the formation of ETD, associated with failure to follow established procedure for filling:
graphs 44 “Additional information/documents Submitted/Certificates and permissions” part of the indications of the documents certifying powers of the person on submission of ETD, and the availability of document IDs to be inserted in this column for verification in the electronic archive of documents of the declarant;
counts of 50 “Principal and authorised representative, place, date and signature” in terms of information about the INN, KPP, OGRN of the declarant, and their identity to the information specified in the electronic signature, which was signed ETD.
In order to expand the practices of customs technologies as a preventive measure in terms of the threat of the spread of coronavirus infection by making the checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation customs operations related to registration of ETD and release of transit goods in an automatic mode without the direct participation of officials of customs authorities, measures should be taken to improve the quality of electronic documents submitted to the customs authorities in respect of goods placed under the customs procedure of customs transit.
The press service of the southern customs Directorate