Samara customs detained a shipment of hazardous toys
Samara customs detained a shipment of hazardous toys
Samara customs office revealed the next batch of goods possessing signs counterfeit – toys.
Officials of mobile teams stopped the truck from Kyrgyzstan in which the Moscow firm carrying dolls and toys “tri Kota”, “FABULOUS PATROL” “paw PATROL” and others. A total of 2958 units. Toys were transported in boxes, mostly separate from the individual packaging.
Toys did not meet the established standards of quality and safety. On the packaging there are spelling mistakes, misprints and inaccurate translation.
According to representatives of rights holders, the potential damage caused by unlawful actions of unscrupulous employers amounted to 9 million 290 thousand rubles.
The materials submitted to the Ministry of internal Affairs for investigation. Solves a question on excitation of criminal case.
Daria Metelkina
The press-Secretary of the Samara customs