FCS of Russia: the results of the work of law enforcement units in the first quarter of 2020

In the first quarter of 2020 the customs authorities of the Russian Federation initiated criminal cases 674. In relation to particular individuals instituted 442 criminal cases. As a result of measures aimed at compensation for criminal damage to criminal cases and in the course of their investigation, to the Federal budget lists 69.3 million rubles.

The largest number of cases initiated on the facts of contraband are strategically important goods and resources (article 226.1 of the criminal code) – 277 cases; narcotic drugs (article 229.1 of the criminal code) – 67 cases; alcoholic beverages and tobacco products (article 200.2 of the criminal code) – 32 cases; cash and monetary instruments (article 200.1 of the criminal code) – 38 cases.

On the facts of evasion from payment of customs payments (item 194 of the criminal code) brought 85 cases; evasion from execution of duties for the repatriation of funds in foreign currency or in currency of the Russian Federation (article 193 of the criminal code) – 45 cases; perform foreign exchange transactions for the remittance of funds in foreign currency or RF currency on accounts of non-residents using falsified documents (article 193.1 of the criminal code) – 48 cases.

Also 50 cases opened under article 173.2 of the criminal code; 1 case – under article 189 of the criminal code; 2 cases – under article 174.1 of the criminal code; 29 cases under article 173.1 of the criminal code.

Revealed facts of illegal movement across the customs border of the EAEU of strategically important goods and resources in the amount of RUB 3.1 billion; non-payment of customs payments in the amount of 1.1 billion rubles; non-return from abroad of funds in foreign currency and the currency of the Russian Federation in the amount of 5.7 billion rubles; transfer of funds in foreign currency or the currency of the Russian Federation to the accounts of non-residents using falsified documents in the amount of 6.7 billion rubles; the illegal movement of cash and (or) monetary instruments in the amount of 107.8 million rubles; the illegal movement across the customs border of the EAEU of alcohol and (or) tobacco products in the amount of 179,8 million.

Withdrawn from illegal circulation of more than 38,5 kg of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, more than 45 kilograms of potent substances.

To the courts with accusatory acts/regulations sent 23 criminal cases. Courts 10 criminal cases handed down convictions.

In cases of administrative offences in the first quarter of 2020, the customs authorities initiated 35 929 cases of AP.

Of the total number of prosecutions of 49.8% (17 888 cases) accounts for legal entities and 33.3% (11 962 cases) – the physical persons, 11% (3 977 cases) – for officials, and 5.7% (2 047 cases) – persons engaged in entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity, and 0.2% (55 cases) – to unidentified persons.

The largest number of cases of AP were instituted in connection with the violations provided for in Chapter 16 Cao RF – 095 20 cases (56%). 8 107 cases (22,6% of the total number of prosecutions on AP) – according to article 16.2 of the administrative code (failure to declare or false Declaration of goods), 4, 321 cases (12%) – under article 16.3 of the administrative code (violation of prohibitions or limitations for import/export of goods).

For compounds that are not related to violations of customs rules, the largest number of cases of AP initiated for failure to submit or late submission to the customs authorities of statistical forms of the account of movement of goods (article 19.7.13 administrative code) – 9 608 cases (26,7%), for violations of the currency legislation of the Russian Federation and acts of bodies of currency regulation (article 15.25 of the administrative code) – 3 157 cases (8.8 per cent).

Objects of administrative offenses often were the products of vegetable and animal origin, tobacco, currency, alcoholic beverages and textiles.

Issued resolutions on sentencing for 34 439 cases of AP, of which the officials of the customs bodies of the penalties imposed for 28 124 cases of AP, the court or competent authority – 6 315 cases of AP.

Executed 18 072 rulings on cases of AP in the result of the collected administrative fines in the amount of 792,6 million roubles to the authorities transferred property with a total cost of 5.7 billion rubles.

The results of the work with foreign currencies, addressed to the Federal property, is provided in the introduction to the accounts of credit organizations in excess of 99.1 million rubles.