FCS: more than 12 million pairs of shoes imported in the first three weeks after the introduction of mandatory labelling
FCS: more than 12 million pairs of shoes imported in the first three weeks after the introduction of mandatory labelling
More than 12 million pairs of shoes were imported to Russia during the first three weeks after the introduction of mandatory labelling. The customs officers have issued more than 1.8 thousand declarations for footwear products, the largest number of them – in the regions of the far East and Central customs offices.
In respect of drugs designed about 130 of goods declarations, the largest number in Sheremetyevo and Moscow regional customs.
Tobacco products in Central excise customs issued 13 goods declarations.
In accordance with the Agreement on the marking of goods with identification means in the EEU (signed in Almaty February 2, 2018) marking of the goods is carried out prior to their placement under the customs procedure of release for domestic consumption or re-import.
Means of identification to be the marking of foreign goods (manufactured outside the EEU) applied to either outside the territory of the EEU or on the territory of Russia – after placing of goods under the customs procedure of customs warehouse (or free warehouse, free customs zone). The first step is to declare the procedure of customs transit, and after arrival of the goods at the customs warehouse, is to place the goods under the customs procedure of customs warehouse.