Over 1,000 cases initiated by Bryansk customs officers in administrative proceedings for 2023
Over 1,000 cases initiated by Bryansk customs officers in administrative proceedings for 2023
Published: February 6, 2024 17:00
The Bryansk Customs Office initiated 1,053 administrative offense cases last year. As a result of consideration of the cases, fines of almost 29 million rubles were imposed. Property worth 6.2 million rubles was returned to federal ownership
The most frequent objects of administrative offenses were cars, products of animal and plant origin, fruit and vegetable products, petroleum products and consumer goods.
The most frequent objects of administrative offenses were cars, products of animal and plant origin, fruit and vegetable products, petroleum products and consumer goods
In 2023, cases were initiated for failure to export temporarily imported vehicles from the customs territory of the EAEU by individuals (Article 16.18 of the Administrative Offenses Code of the Russian Federation). 173 people did not export their vehicles within the established deadlines for temporary import, in 27 cases the vehicles were confiscated by court decision from the owners, which allowed to repay debts to the state of more than 21.7 million rubles
An additional 44 cars were detained by customs officers as part of administrative proceedings, which eliminated debts of more than 15 million rubles.
Bryansk customs officers also detained 44 cars as part of administrative proceedings, which eliminated debts of more than 15 million rubles
Bryansk customs officers detected more than 100 times violations of the currency legislation of the Russian Federation and acts of currency regulation authorities (Article 15.25 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation)
The number of detected offenses under Article 16.24 of the CAO RF has increased: 76 cases of using temporarily imported vehicles of international transportation in domestic transportation were detected, which is prohibited.