ATTENTION! Dear citizens, representatives of legal entities and visitors to the customs authorities!

In connection with threat of distribution on the territory of the Russian Federation of a new coronavirus infection (2019 – nCoV) and for its prevention, the North-Caucasian customs Department recommends persons to refrain from visiting the customs authorities, under the jurisdiction of the North-Caucasian customs Department in order of personal reception and direct access to the e-mail address: North Caucasus customs Directorate, dag-о the Dagestani customs, mnvо Mineralovodsky customs, svc-odo-skot-01@sktu.с North Caucasian customs, North Caucasus e-customs, svc-о the North Ossetian customs or postal mail of Russia.

Please note that the public service in advising interested persons on customs matters and other issues within the competence of customs bodies also can be obtained in written form (by mail, by e-mail).

To get the specified services, in writing, the person sends to the address of the customs authority a written request for consultations, which must contain the following information:

– the name of the customs authority, which his drawn face;

– name of the legal entity or the surname and initials of the individuals who wants to get advice, stating the full postal address of such person;

– request for consultation with reference to article
359 Customs code of the Eurasian economic Union and/or Administrative regulations and the content of the questions for the required consultation;

– signature of the person.

Attention! To your email request must meet the above requirements, except the requirements concerning the signature of the person.

E-mail addresses of the customs authorities of the North-Caucasian customs Department for advice:

The North-Caucasian customs Department –

The Dagestan custom

Mineralovodsky customs

The North Ossetian customs

North Caucasian customs electronic –