Andrey Moskalets participated in the final meeting of the Academic Council of the Russian customs Academy

Deputy head of the FCS of Russia Andrey Moskalets 12 February 2020 took part in the meeting of the Academic Council of the Russian customs Academy, which was summed up the work of the Academy in 2019 and set objectives for 2020.

In the past year, training programs of professional retraining and advanced training at the Academy were almost 17 thousand officials of the customs bodies. Of paramount importance was the training for the structure of the FCS of Russia of the centers of electronic Declaration (CED).

In 2019 continued training in programs of higher education, including the specialty “Customs business” areas of training “commodity”, “Economics”, “Management”, “Jurisprudence” (bachelor and master). In the learning process applied a set of software simulating the operation of CEDAW. Currently in the Academy and its branches are trained about 7.2 million people.

At the Russian customs Academy in 2019 established a Military training center for the organization and conduct of military training of students for military occupational specialties sergeants and soldiers of the reserve army of the Armed forces of the Russian Federation. October 1, 2019 training and reserve sergeants (36 people); February 1, 2020 – training reserve soldiers (72).

According to the results in 2019, the self-study of educational organizations, the activities of the Academy meet the requirements of Federal state educational standards of higher education.


In 2019 in the Russian customs Academy successfully passed the state final certification of more than 1.7 million people. Completed training with honors with a 228.

Attended advanced training courses 756 people from among the officials of the customs authorities of the member States of the EEU and other foreign countries.

Published textbooks and manuals on issues of customs operations and conduct customs control calculation of customs payments, the customs authorities ensure compliance with the prohibitions and restrictions in foreign trade goods, organization of operational-investigative activity of customs authorities and other relevant issues.