142 thousands of small packages per day: cross-border e-Commerce is gaining momentum
Over the past year in Place of international postal exchange of Ekaterinburg received 7.5 thousand tons of mail (more than 51 million small packets) for individuals. In comparison with last year the volume increased by 33%. The vast amount of international mail was delivered from China (90%). The remaining volume came from the countries of South-East Asia, EU, USA. The share of aircraft delivery was 41%, road – 44%, multimodal (sea, rail, road) – 15%.
“Years of cooperation of customs services and postal operators of Russia and China in the framework of the silk Road Online will significantly “clean up” the incoming correspondence. Compared to the year 2018, the number of prohibited goods by international mail decreased by hundreds of times”, – have informed in a course a press-conferences the chief of the Ural customs administration Maxim Cmore.
A significant part of the sent goods are clothes, shoes, various Souvenirs, spare parts for electronics, accessories for leisure and sport, toys, sound reproducing and sound recording equipment. Among the categories of prohibited goods in small packets more often counterfeit products (55%), means for surreptitious obtaining of information (22%), edged weapons (14%), fishing nets (4%). Less than one percent made up of potent substances and cultural values.
Managed to reduce the time for customs operations. Today, thanks to the use of common with the Russian Post software average time for release of one international postage does not exceed 18 seconds.
Introduced in 2017, export of international mail shows steady growth. Last year about 100 of the Ural small and medium businesses sent their customers around the world 16 thousand parcels (almost 4 times more). In international mail exported consumer goods, electronics for vehicles, drums, unique sculptures, and metal products. “The proportion of prohibited goods for which the customs authorities refused to release, was less than one percent. It was goods not for personal use and cultural values”, – said the head of Ural customs administration Maxim Cmore.
Change in early 2019 norms of duty-free shipment of goods in international mail is allowed customs authorities to collect more than 3 million individuals. duties this year In connection with the abolition of cumulative calculation procedure of the duty-free limit from the beginning of the year, wrote 13 of the customs receipt voucher in the amount of 23 thousand rubles (in 2018 212 of TPO in the amount of 900 thousand rubles).
The press service of the Ural customs administration