Tyumen customs informs the scrappage fee for imported cars in Russia

Tyumen customs notes that a vehicle for personal use, registered in member States of the Eurasian economic Union, are imported into the customs territory of the Union without a customs Declaration and without paying customs duties and taxes.

However, for each wheeled vehicle imported to the Russian Federation or produced, manufactured in the Russian Federation, paid a recycling fee to ensure environmental safety.

Coefficient of calculation of the recycling fee is determined depending on the vehicle category, defined by the RF government decree of 09.12.2011 № 877.

In respect of passenger cars, which have no more than eight seats besides the driver’s seat, imported by physical persons for personal use, the base rate is 20,000 rubles, the ratio is 0.17 (for new cars) and 0.26 (for the vehicle from the date of issue of which passed more than three years). Thus, in the first case you will have to pay 3 400 rubles, and in the second – 5 200 rubles.

The recycling fee is not payable in respect of vehicles:

with the year of issue of which passed 30 years or more, with saved or restored to its original state, not intended for commercial transportation of passengers and goods, have the original engine, body and (if available) frame;

with the release date of which has passed less than 3 years, while they are placed under the customs procedure of free customs zone applied on the territory of the Special economic zone in the Kaliningrad region.

In addition, the exemption from the recycling fee covers:

– vehicles of physical persons, imported in the Russian Federation and placed under the customs procedure of temporary import (admission);

– vehicles of physical persons – participants of the State program on rendering assistance to voluntary resettlement to Russian Federation of compatriots living abroad, approved by presidential decree of the Russian Federation dated 22.06.2006 № 637, diplomatic missions or consular offices, international organizations, their representatives and members of their families. At the same time, members of their families from payment of the utilization fee are not exempt.

On all arising questions you can contact the legal Department of the Tyumen customs office (street Refrigerating, 58 d. A), pre-recorded on the telephone 8(3452) 597-239, 597-340, 597-339. Consultations are free of charge.


 The procedure for collecting the recycling collection (including the procedure of calculation, payment, collection, refund or set-off of excessively paid or excessively collected amounts of this fee), and the utilization fee and the exercise of control over the correctness of calculation, completeness and timeliness of payment of the recycling fee in the budget of the Russian Federation shall be established by Resolution of the Russian Government of 26.12.2013 № 1291 “On the utilization fee for wheeled vehicles (chassis) and trailers and on amendments to certain acts of the Government of the Russian Federation”).



Press team of the Tyumen customs