The FCS of Russia has summed up the results of the Expert-consultative and Public councils in 2019
17 December 2019 in Moscow held a joint meeting of the Presidium of the Advisory Council for implementation of customs policy (the FORMER) and the Public Council of the FTS of Russia.
During the meeting were summed up the results of work of the standing committees for EX 2019, discussed the implementation of the action plan “Transforming the business climate” for cooperation of the FCS of Russia and the Public Council.
The head of the FCS of Russia – Chairman of the Advisory Council for implementation of customs policy under FCS of Russia Vladimir Bulavin thanked the meeting participants for their fruitful collaboration, including the preparation of the Strategy of customs service development in 2030.
“The representatives of the business community took an active part in the development of the draft Strategy. It included a considerable part of the proposals. Today, almost completed the interagency coordination provisions of the instrument. And the fact that significant comments to the draft Strategy there is, is largely the result of our joint work“, – said Vladimir Bulavin.
First Deputy head of the FCS of Russia Ruslan Davydov praised the results of the work of the Commission on the issues of improvement of customs administration and information technology. The key topic of discussion was the reform of customs administration.
Ruslan Davydov: “We were able to use the Commission as a discussion platform and a platform for exchange of views during the transition to the new format of work with the Centers for the electronic Declaration and customs posts of actual control“.
The proposals of the business community were also taken into account when developing the Order amending the Declaration of goods. Supported the initiative of representation of originals of documents certifying the country of origin of goods in any authorised customs body. Considered proposals from the business community about regulation of timing of response to requests of participants of foreign trade activities related to customs operations.
Ruslan Davydov: “To study this question on the basis of the Voronezh and Yaroslavl customs, the experiment was conducted. The average time of consideration of addresses accounted for 18 and 23 minutes respectively. The results of these experiments decided in conjunction with members of the business community to prepare proposals to establish the optimum time parameters of the decision on applications filed in electronic form“.
To automate the process of submission and processing of applications the possibility of using one of the electronic service “Personal account of the participant of foreign economic activity”. Also being considered is the implementation of feedback to the Complainant had current information on the status of the received application.
The coordinator of this Committee from the business community Yuri Kovalev gave a positive assessment of the customs authorities and interaction with business. He also announced the preliminary results of independent monitoring the time of customs clearance, carried out similarly to the world Bank methodology. “The results are positive in 80% of cases the terms are stacked in four hours. There is evidence from independent sources, “–said Yuri Kovalev.
Summing up the work of the Commission on development of customs administration in the Maritime checkpoints, Ruslan Davydov stressed that the FCS of Russia is interested in reducing the time of operations with cargoes in seaports. Needs to improve physical and information infrastructure.
Ruslan Davydov: “In 2019 was formalised developments in the application of modern information technology to transition to completely paperless. More than 90% of marine businesses today are issued in electronic form. Also working on the question of consolidation of the port community on a single digital platform of KPS Portal “seaport”.
As perspective directions of work of the Commission Ruslan Davydov allocated revision and legislative recognition of the advanced models of the sea crossing points; improvement of business processes, including in terms of the normative legal regulation; improvement of marine crossings.
Coordinator of the Commission from the business community Pavel Polyakov thanked the representatives of the customs authorities for the constructive cooperation to achieve the common goal of improving the efficiency of operations in ports. He added that a significant step in this matter should be the creation of an appropriate regulatory framework.
The results of the work of the Commission on the issues of collection and administration of customs and other payments charged by customs authorities of the Russian Federation, improving the implementation of fiscal functions, tariff regulation summed up the Deputy head of the FCS of Russia Elena Yagodkina.
Special attention in the work of the Commission in the past year was paid to the management of the ELS, the depositing of funds to KBK advance payments and their use by the payer of customs duties and taxes, using the services of the Personal Cabinet of the participant of foreign trade activities, dealing with debt, as well as customs agents.
Elena Yagodkina: “the 2020 plan to focus the Commission on the implementation of the Strategy 2030, as well as to continue work on improvement of customs administration in terms of calculation, payment and collection of customs payments within the framework of functioning of the information services of the Personal office and streamlining of activities of customs representatives“.
Coordinator of the Commission from the business community in Theodore Pawlowski noted the positive outcome of cooperation at the Commission. He added that “the business community has taken efforts to improve fiscal discipline.”
Also at the meeting were summed up the work of the Commission on the classification and country of origin of goods (chaired by Elena Yagodkina, the coordinator from the business community – Irina Kapitanova), the Commission on the issues of determining the customs value (the results of work were sounded by the first Deputy chief of Management of customs risks control of the FCS of Russia Valery Byshovets, the coordinator from the business community – Dmitry Cheltsov), the Commission on the issues of crime prevention in the sphere of customs Affairs (chaired by the head of Department of customs investigations and inquiry FTS of Russia Alexander Kizlyk, the coordinator from the business community – Anastasia Chursina).
In the second part of the meeting with reports on the implementation of the action plan “Transforming the business climate” for cooperation of the FCS of Russia and the Public Council was made first Deputy head of the FCS of Russia – Executive Secretary of the Public Council at the Federal customs service of Russia Ruslan Davydov, member of the Public Council at the Federal customs service of Russia Vitaly survillo, Chairman of the Public Council of the FTS of Russia Leonid Lozbenko.
At the end of the meeting, the ceremony of awarding companies-partners International customs forum – 2019 commemorative diplomas. The head of FCS of Russia Vladimir Bulavin presented awards to the representatives of such companies as Severstal, Russian Railways, “Multiservice payment system”, “Mars”, and also of the Guild of professional participants of the market of rendering services in the field of customs and foreign trade “Hermes” and the Association of business partners in the sphere of foreign economic activity.