Tatarstan customs on a new form of the passenger customs Declaration
February 1, 2020 a new form of the passenger customs Declaration. The form and procedure for filling are determined by the resolution of Board of the Euroasian economic Commission from 23.07.2019, No. 124 “On the customs Declaration of goods for personal use”. The list of information that must be specified in the Declaration has not changed, but became more detailed. New forms of passenger customs declarations and the procedure for filling available on the official website of FCS of Russia. For convenience and time-saving form can be downloaded and filled out in advance. Print form passenger customs Declaration is carried out on both the front and back of a sheet of A4.
Passenger customs Declaration is filled in Russian language or in English or the official language of the member state, the customs authority which submitted such a passenger customs Declaration, and with the permission of the customs authority — on another foreign language, which is owned by officials of the customs authority, which will be filed with such customs Declaration.
The passenger customs Declaration in the form of a paper document is filled in two copies (one copy is for the customs authority, the other for the declarant) except in the cases of customs declaring of auto – and motor transport for personal use in the case that after the release of such vehicles in accordance with the legislation provided for the granting to the declarant of the document issued by the customs authority and imported into the customs territory goods for personal use are not subject to customs Declaration in case the customs Declaration of such goods at the request of a natural person.
Tatarstan customs informs that the passenger customs Declaration can be submitted also in electronic form, as the customs posts of Tatarstan customs included in the experiment of Federal customs service of the Commission of customs operations connected with the customs Declaration of goods for personal use moved in accompanied, unaccompanied baggage and delivered to the carrier in electronic form.
Service on filling in the electronic form of the passenger customs Declaration posted on the website of the FCS of Russia. The sequence of actions individuals is this: to make a Declaration in your “Personal Cabinet of the participant of foreign economic activity” on the website of the FCS of Russia, then send it to the information system of the customs authorities and obtain a unique identification number electronic passenger customs Declaration. The room is available to the customs inspector for customs control at the checkpoint. The inspector will check the data and if the declarant does not have a digital signature, print the Declaration to the declarant assured her with his signature.
Valentine Skorlygina,
the press Secretary of Tatarstan customs