Siberian electronic customs transferred to the Federal budget of almost four billion rubles

Staff of the Siberian e-customs (Seth) has summarized the work in 2019.

From 17 September to 31 December 2019 in Seth was registered 9139 declarations for goods: 4688 – on the export (export) and 4451 – on the import (import). 8990 of them issued declarations for goods: 4644 – 4346 export and import.

The volume of declared goods in monetary terms amounted to more than 485 million U.S. dollars, in the physical – almost 417 thousand tons. The commodity structure of exports, was mainly represented by aluminum (87% of the total value of exports), ferrous metals (5.8%) and other goods. The basis of commodity structure of import was equipment, mechanical devices, instrumentation, electric vehicles and parts, boilers (23% of the total value of imports), pharmaceutical products (14%), plastics and articles thereof (8.2 per cent) and others.

During this period, the goods Declaration to the customs office filed 750 participants of foreign economic activity, including 542 from Siberia and 208 from other regions of Russia. They carried out foreign trade operations with trade partners from 84 countries, the largest of which were China, Germany, the Netherlands and Switzerland.

As a result, from 17 September to 31 December 2019 Siberian electronic customs transferred to the Federal budget 3 billion 657 million rubles.

Officials Seth was initiated on 7 Affairs about administrative offences. 4 of them are already considered them unfair participants of foreign trade activities of the assigned administrative fines in the amount of 122.5 thousand rubles. Subjects of offences of steel lumber, tomato paste and products, canned, cut flowers, steel gate valve for pipeline, and toys.


Siberian electronic customs opened in Krasnoyarsk August 15, 2019. Customs operations related to customs declaring goods with submission of customs declarations (DT), implemented from September 17, 2019, on the first day of the beginning of work of the Siberian customs post (the electronic Declaration center).

By 2021, Seth will be the only customs in Siberia, with jurisdiction for the Commission of customs operations connected with customs declaring goods with submission of DT.

Anna Pomaskina,

the press Secretary of the Krasnoyarsk customs