Sheremetyevo customs officers found more than 12 kilograms of marijuana in shipments from the USA
Sheremetyevo customs officers found more than 12 kilograms of marijuana in shipments from the USA
More than 12 kg of marijuana in parcels from the United States showed employees Sheremetyevo customs together with the PURPOSE of the FCS of Russia and customs Central collection. Recipients of drugs detained.
The substance of green color of a phytogenesis weighing 12.3 kg discovered during the customs inspection of the two international mail. According to the expert, in parcels moved narcotic drug marijuana. It is included in the List of I List of narcotics, psychotropic substances and precursors turnover in the Russian Federation is prohibited.
Upon receipt of parcels operational customs officers detained two citizens of Russia.
Currently on this fact two criminal cases on signs of structure of the crime provided by part 3 of the article 229.1 of the criminal code (smuggling by a group of persons of drugs in large size). To malefactors threatens till 20 years of imprisonment with the penalty to 1 million roubles.