Rostov customs is recognized as the best in the South by the end of 2019
By the end of 2019 Rostov customs took first place in the nomination “the Best team in the border customs” in the annual competition for the best staff of the customs bodies of southern customs office.
Also at the end of the competition two of the customs post Rostov customs was among the winners. In the nomination “the Best team of internal customs post” third place was awarded to Rostov customs office (CED). In the category “Best team of the customs office in a non-vehicle checkpoint (sea (river), rail, air)” the third was a customs post of the Airport of Rostov-on-don (Platov).
Rostov customs is one of the largest customs of the South of Russia.
In 2019, the Federal budget lists of 28.58 billion rubles.
For the period released more than 97 thousand goods declarations, which exceeds the same indicator of previous year by 3%.
Foreign trade operations in the region of customs activities carried out 3 204 traders. Cost volume of foreign trade amounted to 8.6 billion dollars. USA, physical – 20.5 million tons. The basis of exports – wheat, corn and barley, sunflower oil, semi-finished products of iron and cast iron. The basis of import of mechanical equipment, river boats, coal and coke oil.
In 2019, customs officials initiated 3 355 cases of administrative offenses and 25 criminal cases.
Considerable attention was paid to protection of rights to objects of intellectual property: more than 1.7 million units of production with signs of counterfeiting revealed by the officials of the Rostov customs.
For fast and qualitative customs procedures and customs control in respect of all cross border cargo customs successfully implemented the technology of electronic transit, automatic registration and automatic release of goods declarations using the customs operations for arrivals/departures of ships software Portal “seaport”. A high level equipment custom technical means of customs control.
Reached Rostov customs the result of professional work of officers, as well as effective cooperation between customs, traders and other regulatory authorities.
Anna Polaskova, press Secretary of the Rostov customs