On a personal reception of citizens at Tatarstan customs
On a personal reception of citizens at Tatarstan customs
In connection with the ongoing threat of the spread on the territory of the Russian Federation coronavirus infection, and in the interest of safety for life and health of citizens of the Tatarstan customs encourages citizens to apply for a personal reception remote requests to be formulated in writing (by post or email).
To ensure smooth movement through customs border of goods in the period from 30 March to 5 April 2020 the work involved, the necessary minimum the officers of customs and customs posts.
We remind that Tatarstan customs created a “call center” and the Advisory group on the issues of customs operations in respect of goods of first necessity and food and medical supplies.
Also all interested persons can receive consultation on issues of customs Affairs in writing (by mail and e-mail).
The mode of work of Tatarstan customs: Monday to Friday – from 8.00 till 17.00 (lunch break from 12.00 to 12.45 PM); Saturday, Sunday – days off.
Postal address Tatarstan customs:
420094, Kazan, Korolenko St., 56;
Email address:
tat-odo@ptu.customs.ru, tat-po@ptu.customs.ru.
Valentine Skorlygina,
the press Secretary of Tatarstan customs