More than 8.5 billion rubles in cases of AP: Privolzhsky operative customs has summarized 2019
In the Volga operational customs office held a meeting on summarizing the law enforcement activities of the customs bodies of Privolzhsky region in 2019. The event was attended by chief of the Volga customs management Aasim Askarov, Deputy chief of the head of the Department of combating smuggling of narcotics of Department of anti-smuggling FCS of Russia Marat Kabirov, first Deputy of the Volga transport Prosecutor Vadim Kolosov, head of the Privolzhsky operative customs Anatoly Saltykov.
In 2019, the customs authorities of the Volga region 12224 filed cases on administrative offenses (AP).
It should be noted the increase in the number of cases of AA, filed for Chapter 16 Cao RF “Administrative offences in the field of customs”, in the reporting period – 5060 of cases of AP (in 2018 3792 cases of AP).
Of the total number of cases on AP excited for 2019, 56,3% are legal entities of 27.4% for individuals, 8.4 percent – officials, 7,9% – to individual entrepreneurs and 0.03% for unidentified person.
In 2019 the sentence at 11849 cases of AP in the amount of 8 billion 613 million 400 thousand 400 rubles.
In 2019, the customs authorities of the Volga region initiated 106 criminal cases (UD). It is possible to note the increase in the number of reported crimes in the areas of customs authorities article 194 of the criminal code “Evasion of customs payments collected from organizations or individuals” from 11 to 15 UD UD, the size of the evasion of customs duties were 243,1 million.
Also, compared to the same period of 2018 has been an increase in the number of criminal cases:
under article 173.1 of the criminal code “Illegal formation (creation, reorganization) of a legal entity” with 2 UD 5 UD to;
under article 173.2 of the criminal code “Illegal use of documents for formation (establishment, reorganization) of a legal entity” from 11 to 16 UD UD;
according to article 193.1 of the criminal code “Commission of foreign exchange transactions for the remittance of funds in foreign currency or the currency of the Russian Federation to the accounts of non-residents using falsified documents” from 7 to 12 UD UD, the size of the illegally transferred foreign currency or Russian currency amounted to 883,5 million.
On the facts of evasion from execution of duties for the repatriation of funds in foreign currency or the currency of the Russian Federation (article 193 of the criminal code) instituted 5 UD, the amount outstanding of foreign currency or Russian currency amounted to 121,2 million rubles.
The customs authorities of the Volga region carries out work on revealing and suppression of crimes related to the smuggling of drugs, psychotropic, drastic substances and toxic substances (hereinafter – controlled substances).
On the facts of illegal movement of controlled substances in 2019 customs of the Volga region initiated 38 criminal cases:
according to article 229.1 of the criminal code, “Smuggling of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances..” – 14 criminal cases (of which 6 criminal cases were initiated under part 3 of article 229.1 of the criminal code, that is a large size, 3 criminal cases were initiated under part 4 of article 229.1 of the criminal code, that is especially large size);
under article 226.1 of the criminal code “Smuggling of potent, poisonous substances……” – 24 criminal cases.
During carrying out quickly-search actions and customs enforcement seized more than 1.1 tons of controlled substances, and about 7 kg of seeds of plants containing narcotic drugs and poisonous substances.
In 2019, the customs of the Volga region instituted 5 criminal cases on the fact of committing crimes by organized criminal groups.
According to the materials of the law enforcement units of the customs bodies of Privolzhsky region in collaboration with the departments of customs control after release of goods, additionally charged amounts of customs payments in the amount of 427,773 million rubles, collected customs payments 347,368 million.
Department of public relations
Volga customs Department