Elena Yagodkina participated in summarizing the work of the Central energy customs in 2019
January 31, 2020, the Deputy head of the FCS of Russia Elena Yagodkina took part in the meeting on summarizing the work of the Central power customs (tset) in 2019. She commended the activities of the staff of customs, including working on the launch of the Center for electronic Declaration of CET, and outlined a number of objectives for 2020 and subsequent years.
Elena Yagodkina: “Central energy customs is one of the leaders of the customs authorities. For example, we are developing a custom model for further reform of the system. Priority must be a stable functioning CEDA Central energy customs: it is necessary to develop technologies of automatic processing of declarations to complement the new customs on qualified specialists“.
The leadership centre together with the Management of commodity nomenclature FTS of Russia set the task of preparing new training programs with the involvement of scientific potential of Russian universities.
Elena Yagodkina: “not only is it Important to hire specialists, but to train them with specific activities tset. Employees must have among other things a deep knowledge of the nomenclature of goods“.
Key results of the work of the customs for 2019 in the report presented by the head of the centre Sergey Pie. So, the Federal budget was listed 2,274 bn, and 99.4% of them using a Single resource account (ELS). The control task assigned to the Central energy customs the leadership of the FCS of Russia, performed on 102,8%. Customs posts tset more than 139 thousand goods declarations, which is 2.3 % higher than in 2018.
Sergey Pie: “For continued accomplish tset the tasks the best efforts of the staff of customs will be aimed at maintaining a consistently high level of performance in all areas of activities“.
In 2019, the revenues of the budget administered by the centre, had the effect of reducing the rate of the export duty on oil in the beginning of the final phase of the big tax maneuver in the oil industry. The maneuver involves a gradual reduction of export duties for oil: 30% of the price of oil in 2019 to 0% in 2024. Also on the dynamics of transfers was influenced by the decrease of 7.52% of the average level of prices for natural gas – to 209,1 USD. per thousand cubic meters in 2019.
The largest proportion of revenues accounted earnings from the export of crude oil – more than 49%; the share of natural gas accounted for 30.6 per cent; petroleum products accounted for about 20%. The volume of natural gas, designed for export in 2019 amounted to over 220 billion cubic meters (2.2%. lower than 2018); the volume of transit of natural gas to 2.4 billion cubic meters; the volume of crude oil – more than 265 million tonnes (2.7 % higher than in 2018); petroleum products – more than 133 million tonnes of electricity – about 19 billion kWh.
According to the results of verification activities, control after release of goods tset in 2019 assessed more than 396 million rubles of customs payments, penalties, fines; collected more than 429 million rubles were 23 cases of administrative offences and 4 cases.
From 1 November 2019 in the structure of the CET began operations, the electronic Declaration Center Energy customs post. He is responsible for the performance of customs operations related to customs Declaration and release of all kinds of energy, placed under the customs procedure and exported from the territory of Russia (excluding supplies).
The average time of registration of the Declaration was less than 16 minutes, the average release time is about 51 minutes. In automatic mode it was 64,2% export and 100% import declarations.