The Arkhangelsk customs has summarized the work for the first half of 2020

July 22, Arkhangelsk customs has reviewed its performance during the first half of 2020.

At the official meeting dedicated to the summing up by the acting chief of customs Alexander Romanov noted that the activities of customs was aimed at implementation of tasks set before the customs authorities of the FCS of Russia and the North-Western customs administration, control tasks on formation of the Federal budget is executed on 103%. The amount of revenues administered by the customs authorities for all payments made 823,58 million.

In the reporting period in the region of Arkhangelsk customs customs Declaration of goods and vehicles was carried out by 30 participants of foreign economic activity.

Foreign trade turnover of the region for the past 6 months was 406,62 million dollars. Trade relations in the region of activity of customs was carried out with 92 foreign countries and 6 countries of CIS. Main trading partners were USA, Germany, China, India, Finland, Italy.

Main export goods are paper, cardboard, pulp, plywood. Structure of imports was vehicles and products of the chemical industry.

Law enforcement Arkhangelsk customs were aimed at the identification of crimes and offences within the competence of the customs authorities. In the first half of 2020 Arkhangelsk customs office opened 104 cases of administrative offences and issued 92 decisions, 69 of them by the customs authority, a 23 – judiciary. 81 the punishment assigned for a total amount of 177, 8 million rubles.

For the first half of 2020 to the office received 21 allegations of crimes, according to the results of their examination and verification of the Arkhangelsk customs office opened 13 criminal cases. The reason for this was the results of operational search activity of operational units of customs, 9 criminal cases filed against specific individuals, 4 in relation to unidentified persons.

In 2020, for the team of the Arkhangelsk customs priority remains the task of creation of favorable conditions for the customs Declaration of goods, improving customs administration, transferring customs payments to the Federal budget, as well as detection and suppression of offenses and crimes within the competence of the customs service.

Pavel Kuznetsov,
press Secretary of Arkhangelsk customs