Ctvuu – about the possibilities of the information service of “Customs check” APS “my account”

The procedure for the use of the personal account and the organization of exchange of electronic documents and (or) information between customs authorities and declarant, carriers, individuals carrying out activities in the field of customs, authorized economic operators, rights holders and other persons determines the basic provisions on the use of the automated subsystem “Personal account” under article 284 of the Federal law of 3 August 2018 No. 289-FZ “On customs regulation in the Russian Federation and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation” which ensures the exchange of information in electronic form between customs authorities and stakeholders through information and telecommunication network “Internet”, and carries out information interaction with the components of the Unified automated information system of customs bodies necessary for the operation of the APS “my account” at the organization of exchange of electronic documents and (or) information.

In 2019 in the Personal Cabinet of the participant of foreign trade activities modified in accordance with the provisions of the current legislation information service “Customs inspection”, allows to the customs authorities check the individuals to share documents and information in course of customs inspection and its results.

Opportunities information service allow for the exchange between the customs authorities and the audited entity documents and information in electronic format, including the organization and carrying out customs checks.

Information service provides the ability to receipt by the participant of foreign trade activities electronic notification of the beginning of customs inspection, shortening the time spent on the shipment of paper documents. Check the persons will have the opportunity to review the results of the carried out customs control and the submission of objections to the inspection report through a Personal account.

In addition, in the framework of electronic interaction with the customs authorities, traders provided to the customs authorities in electronic format through Personal account of reporting in accordance with the requirements established by order FTS of Russia from 20.12.2018 No. 2077 “About approval of report forms, the procedure of filling of report forms, reporting procedures, methods and timing of reporting authorized economic operators” (registered by the Ministry of justice 25.01.2019 No. 53563) and the order of the FCS of Russia from 10.12.2018 No. 2002 “On approval of reporting forms and the procedure for its completion, of the order, timing and method of reporting entities, owning and (or) using the conditionally released goods placed under the customs procedure of release for domestic consumption with the provision of benefits on payment of customs duties, coupled with the restrictions on use and (or) disposal of these goods” (registered by the Ministry of justice 15.01.2019, reg. No. 53357).

Use of information the service reduces the load on the test person in terms of eliminating the need directions to the customs authorities documents and information on paper, reduces the time of exchange of documents and information during and the results of customs inspection.

Currently conducting testing of technology for customs inspection, during which the audited entities were sent notifications about the beginning of the customs control and the requirements for submission of documents and information.

The office of public relations
North-Caucasus customs Department