Urals Customs Administration
Chelyabinsk customs officers seized 22 kilograms of nasvay from passengers on international flights
Published: April 2, 2024 09:43
For the first quarter of 2024, officers at the Balandino Airport customs post prevented 22 kilograms of smokeless tobacco product (nasvay) from being imported into the region. Customs officers are assisted by service dogs to search for the prohibited cargo
Customs officers have stopped 33 attempts to import nasvay since the beginning of the year. This is 38% more than in the same period last year. Passengers from Dushanbe and Khujand are the most frequent offenders. Offenders told inspectors that they brought nasvay for personal use, unaware of the permitted importation rates
“Under current regulations, an adult passenger may bring 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars (cigarillos), or 200 products with heated tobacco (“sticks”), or 250 grams of tobacco, or these products in an assortment with a total weight of no more than 250 grams for personal use. Everything that is transported in excess of this norm does not belong to goods for personal use and must be declared in the general order,” – said the head of the customs post Balandino Airport Alexei Alexeev
The cases on administrative offense under part 1 of article 16.2 of the Administrative Offenses Code of the Russian Federation were initiated. All tobacco goods were seized and sent for destruction
Medicine explains that the use of nasvay can first lead to addiction, and later leads to physical ailments and disorders of the body
Anastasia Nikolaeva, press secretary of Chelyabinsk Customs
Anastasia Nikolaeva, press secretary of Chelyabinsk Customs