To declare the goods before the foreign trip is now possible through the Internet

To declare the goods before the foreign trip is now possible through the Internet

In 2020 the citizens crossing the border by any vehicle, the opportunity to pre-declare the goods electronically. Previously, this possibility was only available to passengers of air transport.

To submit the customs Declaration in electronic form via the information service “Submission of the passenger customs Declaration” on the official website of the FCS of Russia through the “my account”. After the registration information, the program generates a unique identification number which the passenger must present to the customs inspector at the checkpoint.

Submission of electronic Declaration will not spend time filling out the paper form before going through customs control at the border and reduce the time of customs control.

February 1, 2020 will change the form of the passenger customs Declaration. The form of the new Declaration can be downloaded from the website of the FCS of Russia in the section “individuals”. In this section you can also see the list of goods subject to mandatory written Declaration.

 Victoria Aleshina, press Secretary of the Khabarovsk customs of the so (42 12) 411 438, 41-14-00