The fight against counterfeiting in the Samara customs
The fight against counterfeiting in the Samara customs
Samara customs in accordance with article 348 of the Customs code of the Eurasian economic Union measures for the protection of rights to objects of intellectual property included in the unified customs register of intellectual property objects of the member States and (or) national customs register of intellectual property objects.
From the beginning of 2020 in the course of the work of the mobile teams of the Department to control the importation and trafficking of goods 1 have been detected more than 28 thousand units of goods with signs of counterfeit. The results of this work initiated 19 cases of administrative offenses under part 1 of article 14.10 of the administrative code of Russia “Illegal use of means of individualization of goods (works, services)”.
Subjects of offences were mostly sporting apparel and footwear, jeans, backpacks, marked by such famous trademarks as LEVI’S, GIVENCHY, ARMANI, TOMMY HILFIGER, GUCCI, SWISSGEAR, ADIDAS, PUMA, PRADA, REEBOK, ASICS, FILA, ZARA, NIKE, COLUMBIA and others.
According to information obtained from the holders, the prevented damage amounted to more than 144 million rubles.
Alla Tarceva
the press-Secretary of the Samara customs