Siberian Customs Administration
Officers of the customs post Tolmachevo Airport of Novosibirsk customs during customs control of the flight “Baku – Novosibirsk” found in the luggage of the couple who flew together a batch of clothes with tags of luxury brands, the value of which significantly exceeded the norms of duty-free import of goods.
In the customs control zone, a man and a woman, residents of Novosibirsk, chose the “green” corridor, thus declaring that they did not have goods for mandatory written declaration
In the customs control zone, the man and woman, residents of Novosibirsk, chose the “green” corridor, thus declaring that they had no goods for mandatory written declaration. However, their luggage contained new men’s and women’s shirts, pants, skirts, shoes, jackets and coats of famous foreign premium brands with a total weight of 17 kg
The goods were detained and sent for examination, which confirmed that the value of the clothes in the luggage of each of the spouses exceeded the norms of duty-free import. Thus, the price of goods in the luggage of the man amounted to 18.7 thousand euros, the woman – 11.6 thousand euros. The total amount of unpaid customs duties amounted to about 190 thousand rubles
The Novosibirsk Customs initiated two cases of administrative offenses against the air passengers under part 1 of article 16.2 of the Administrative Offenses Code of the Russian Federation (non-declaration of goods)
The court penalized the violators with fines totaling 277.2 thousand rubles. According to the court decision, a batch of detained clothing was released to air passengers after full declaration of goods, payment of customs duties and fines
We would like to remind you that goods worth no more than 10 thousand euros with a total weight of no more than 50 kg may be transported across the customs border of the EAEU by air without paying customs duties.
For your information:
“Green” corridor is a specially designated place for transportation of goods for personal use not subject to customs declaration across the customs border of the EEU in the accompanied luggage.
Crossing of the entrance line to the “green” corridor by a natural person is a statement of a natural person that there are no goods subject to customs declaration (Article 257 of the Customs Code of the EEU)
Public Relations Department of the STU
+7 (383) 319 90 78