Request stop
From August 2018 the legislation amended, authorizing customs officers to stop vehicles and check the documents for the transported goods.
This right is exercised by officials of mobile teams of the Samara customs on the highways of the Samara and Orenburg regions where systematically conducted verification activities in the framework of customs control. Their goal is detection and suppression of illegal import and circulation in Russia of various categories of foreign goods.
Often customs officers are faced with the ignoring by drivers of requirements about a stop of a vehicle with the purpose of verification of documents and goods transported in the region of the Samara customs, which not only borders with the Union of Kazakhstan, but is one of the busiest transit regions of our country.
From the beginning of may 2020 marked and suppressed 6 cases postanovki at the request of the inspector in Samara region and 1 case in the Orenburg region. Thus drivers are not only subjected to forced halt and administrative punishment, but confirmed the fears of customs officers about possible violations during the transportation of foreign goods.
“Compulsory placement of these vehicles on the territory of a temporary storage warehouse or another place being a permanent customs control zone, allowed in making decisions on the customs examination, and, in the case of initiation of proceedings about an administrative offense”, – said the Deputy head of customs Rustam Tutaev.
Samara customs draws the attention of drivers and carriers to comply with current legislation.
Information note:
In accordance with article 355 of the Customs code of the Eurasian economic Union and article 261 of the Federal act of 3 August 2018 No. 289-FZ “On customs regulation in the Russian Federation on amendments to some legislative acts of the Russian Federation,” officials of the customs bodies are entitled to halt motor vehicle, not including international transport, in order to verify compliance with international treaties and acts in the sphere of customs regulation and the legislation of the Russian Federation by checking of goods and documents on them.
The person driving the vehicle shall, at the request of authorized officials to halt the automotive vehicle and present the vehicle in it goods and documents to the official of the customs body for customs control.
In accordance with article 262 of the Federal law of 3 August 2018 No. 289-FZ “On customs regulation in the Russian Federation on amendments to some legislative acts of the Russian Federation” the legal requirements of customs authorities and their officials in the performance of their duties are binding on all persons.
Failure to comply with legal requirements of customs authorities and actions (omissions) that impede the performance of their official duties, shall entail responsibility established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
Responsibility for committing the violations stipulated in part 2. article 12.25 KoAP of the Russian Federation, namely: failure to comply with the lawful demands of a police officer, officials of the customs body or official of the Federal body of Executive power exercising functions on control and supervision in sphere of transport, to stop the vehicle.
In accordance with item 11 of article 27 of the Federal law of 15.08.1996 N 114-FZ (as amended on 07.04.2020) “On the procedure for exit from Russian Federation and entry into the Russian Federation” the entry into the Russian Federation foreign citizen or person without citizenship is not permitted if:
– a foreign citizen or a stateless person repeatedly (two and more times) during one year brought to administrative responsibility for committing an administrative offence connected with infringement of public order and public safety or a violation of the regime of stay (residence) of foreign citizens or persons without citizenship in the Russian Federation or the procedure for the exercise by them of labor activities on the territory of the Russian Federation, within five years from the date of entry into force of the last resolution on bringing to administrative responsibility.
Daria Metelkina,
the press-Secretary of the Samara customs