Five criminal cases for attempting to bribe initiated in 2019 according to the materials of the Annunciation customs

Five criminal cases filed in 2019, according to the materials of the Department for countering corruption of Blagoveshchensk customs. Criminal case instituted on the basis of the statements of the inspectors of the Annunciation customs to induce them to commit corruption offences.

In all cases, citizens of the PRC tried to give a bribe of 10 thousand rubles employees of the Blagoveshchensk customs post for the lack of customs control in respect of consumer goods, commercial consignments, for permission to export in China fresh fish and meat, weighing more than 30 kilograms.

The inspectors of the Annunciation of customs in accordance with the requirements of Federal laws and official regulations announced in the Department for countering corruption of Blagoveshchensk customs about the facts to induce them to commit corruption offences.

To aliens prosecuted under part 1 of article 291.2 of the Criminal code of the Russian Federation.

Recall that the Blagoveshchensk customs works round-the-clocka telephone hotline”: 8(4162) 53-67-36, by calling on which you can report the facts of violations and crimes. Anonymity and confidentiality is guaranteed.


Tasks of the Department for countering corruption of Blagoveshchensk customs are: prevention, prevention, detection and suppression of corruption crimes and revealing the declination of the officers of the customs to commit crimes.

Federal law No. 79-FZ “On state service of the Russian Federation” establishes the foundations of civil service in Russia. Every customs officer is obliged in accordance with article 15 of the Federal law No. 79-FZ to fulfill official duties in accordance with the Executive regulations to comply with the prohibitions and restrictions, to inform about facts of corruption.

Article 291.2 of the criminal code (Petty bribery). Receiving or giving bribes in the amount not exceeding ten thousand rubles, – is punishable by deprivation of liberty for a term up to one year, limitation of liberty for a term up to two years, correctional labor for up to one year, a fine of up to two hundred thousand roubles.


Drachev Ivan,

a press-the Secretary of the Blagoveshchensk customs,

8 (4162) 236279