Another “one – day firms” revealed Nakhodka customs officers

Another “one – day firms” revealed Nakhodka customs

Fictitious firm registered in their name 28-the summer inhabitant of the Findings for a reward. Nakhodkinskaya customs found crime and criminal case. Citizen is waiting for the court.

Man for a fee of 10 thousand rubles agreed to the proposal of a stranger to make his name on the firm. He gave his passport to register a company, knowing that in fact it will have no relationship.

As has told the Deputy chief of customs Alexander Movchan, the goal of creating a fictitious company tax evasion and the illegal withdrawal of money abroad. For the provision of the passport for registration in his name of such firms, citizens face criminal liability. For the period 2019 -2020 years of Nakhodka customs found 20 “one-day firms”.

In relation to a resident Finds a criminal case under part 2 of article 173.1 of the criminal code, which provides penalties of a fine up to 500 thousand rubles or compulsory work up to 240 hours, or deprivation of liberty for a term up to five years.


Natalia Sabadash

the press-Secretary of the Nakhodka customs,

(4236) 663-590