North-West operative customs: on the illegal movement across the customs border of the EAEU of industrial production in the Leningrad region

North-West operative customs: on the illegal movement across the customs border of the EAEU of industrial production in the Leningrad region

According to Severo-the Western operative customs, in connection with the illegal movement of goods industrial products in the first half of 2020 by the customs authorities stationed in the Leningrad region (Kingisepp and Vyborg customs), 2 criminal cases in connection with illegal moving through customs border of the EAEU of industrial products under article 194 of the criminal code (evasion of customs payments in the large size).

One of the cases filed by the Vyborg customs office where the amount of unpaid payments has exceeded 2 million rubles. The second criminal case brought by employees of Kingiseppsky customs, where the amount of unpaid customs duties was in excess of 35 million rubles.

In just the first 6 months of 2020 the customs authorities of the Leningrad region initiated 2046 cases of administrative offenses (AP), of which more than 60% in the sphere of illegal turnover of industrial products – 1282 cases of AP.

Of them:

  • in the food industry – 773 cases;
  • in the engineering sector – 77 cases;
  • in the field of light industry initiated – 51 case;
  • in the alcohol industry – 42 cases;
  • in the field of heavy military and aviation industry – 34 cases;
  • in the automotive industry – 16 cases;
  • in other areas brought the 289 cases of AP (pulp and paper, wood, chemical, electronic, tobacco and other areas).

In the first half of 2020 in cases of AP, initiated by the customs authorities of the Leningrad region in the sphere of illegal turnover of industrial products, appointed punishment in the form of administrative fine or confiscation of goods for 858 cases of AP in the total amount over 5 million rubles.

Department of public relations, North