The schedule of work of customs posts UTU in the period 1 to 11 may 2020

Ekaterinburgskaya tamozhnya:

Verkh-Isetskiy t/p working 2-8 and 10-11 may;

Pervoural t/p rabotaet 3 and may 10;

Kamensk-Uralsky t/p works may 4;

October t/p working 2-8 and 10-11 may;

Nizhny Tagil t/p open daily;

Asbestovskiy the t/p works may 4.

Ural electronic customs:

The Ural customs office (CED) is working 2-8 and 10-11 of may.

Koltsovsky customs imeni V. A. Sorokin:

Koltsovo airport (passenger) t/p open daily;

Koltsovo airport (mailing) t/p open daily;

Koltsovo airport (cargo) t/p open daily.

Tyumen customs:

Tobolsk t/p has 2, 4, 10 may;

The Roshchino airport t/p open daily;

Kurgan t/p works may 4;

Nizhnevartovsk t/p works 1, 3, 5, 9 and 11 may;

Surgutskaya t/p has 2, 4, 9 and 10 may;

Ugra t/p open daily;

Nizhnevartovsk airport t/p works 1-3 and may 9-10.

Chelyabinsk customs:

Balandino airport t/p open daily;

Trinity t/p open daily;

Chelyabinsk t/p open daily;

Magnitogorsk train t/p open daily;

Miasskiy the t/p works may 4

06-08 may, all customs posts of the Ural customs management work.

Department of public relations UTU