Southern customs Directorate: budget efficiency of customs inspections has increased by 9.4%

Departments of customs control after release of goods UTAH in the 1st quarter of 2020 273 held test events, the results of which assessed customs duties and penalties in the amount of 293,92 million RUB over the Performance of customs inspections was 85% when set to planned value – not less than 84%. Budget efficiency of the customs one check amounted to 6.12 million rubles, which is 9.4% higher than the same period last year (of 5.55 million RUB.). The verification filed 418 cases on administrative offences, which is more than 2 times higher than in the 1st quarter of 2019 (177 cases on AP) and 12 criminal cases, which is 3 times more than in the same period of 2019 (4 cases).

In cooperation with the tax authorities held on the 18th of verification activities (1st quarter 2019 – 14), the results of which the customs authorities assessed additional customs duties, penalties and fines in the amount of 214,88 million rubles, which exceeds the same indicator of 2019 37.2% (156,62 million rubles). Initiated 35 cases of administrative offences (1st quarter 2019 – 28 cases of AP) and 9 criminal cases (1st quarter 2019 – 2nd criminal cases).

Departments of customs control after release of goods in the region in the domestic market of the Russian Federation for the 1st quarter 2020 held 142 checks (1st quarter 2019 – 63 tests), the results of which are withdrawn from turnover:

33 074,4 kg of sanctions production (1st quarter 2019 – 917,5 kg);

19 438 units of production, with signs of counterfeiting (1st quarter 2019 – 1 618 units);

393 320 units of tobacco products without excise stamps (1st quarter 2019 – 3 747 units);

18 units of fur products sold in breach of the rules of marking (1st quarter 2019 – 0).

Initiated 75 cases of administrative offenses, which is 36% higher compared to the 1st quarter of 2019 (55 cases), and 5 criminal cases (1st quarter 2019 – 0).