More than 355 billion rubles transferred to the Federal budget customs of the Far East in 2019

More than 355 billion rubles transferred to the Federal budget customs of the Far East in 2019

355,9 bln roubles of customs payments and duties transferred to the Federal budget of the far Eastern customs officers in 2019. This is 26% (or 91 billion) more than in 2018. In the structure of customs payments almost 93% of import.

Lead on transfer of customs payments customs: Vladivostok – 291,3 billion, Buryat – 15.5 billion rubles, the Khabarovsk – 12.4 billion rubles and Chita – 11.4 billion rubles. Part three: Vladivostok, Khabarovsk and the Buryat customs includes customs posts – centers of electronic Declaration.

In December 2019 customs of the Far East transferred to the state budget of 36.4 billion rubles.

With full information on transfer of customs payments customs offices of the far Eastern region can be found on the official website DVTU: in the section “transfers to the Federal budget.”


Within the far Eastern customs administration customs 12, including the far Eastern operative customs, 64 of the customs office. In the region of DVTU are 86 checkpoints.

Department on public relations of the DVTU.