More than 27 liters of blood passed customs in Khabarovsk
More than 27 liters of blood passed customs in Khabarovsk
27 liters of donor blood passed in Khabarovsk customs officers to the Regional station of blood transfusion. Exit action “Day of donation” has become a tradition for the Khabarovsk customs.
Team Regional blood transfusion station came to the office with all necessary equipment and supplies. To give blood without harm to health doctors made 57 of the customs officers, many of whom became donors for the first time.
Components of donor blood collected in the customs, sent to various medical institutions of Khabarovsk, in the first place, they will go in Oncohematology Department of Children’s regional clinical hospital.
Elena Popova,
the press service of the Khabarovsk customs
t. (42 12) 411 438