Buryat customs has opened a criminal case for smuggling of 332 cubic meters of timber
Buryat customs has opened a criminal case for smuggling of 332 cubic meters of timber
332 cubic meter of sawn softwood from pine 2.23 million rubles was illegally taken the firm from Buryatia to China. Buryat customs has opened a criminal case against the head of the company.
The company acquired illegally harvested timber and later was exported to China, making the Declaration of fictitious information about the origin of the goods. The customs authority granted “sham” contracts of purchase and sale, with the purpose of giving the timber the appearance of legitimate origin and ownership.
For smuggling of strategically important resources on a large scale committed by an organized group, Buryat customs has opened a criminal case against the head of the company for the article part 3 of article 226.1 OF THE CRIMINAL CODE.
The sanction of article provides imprisonment till 12 years with the penalty to 1 million roubles.
From the beginning of 2020 is already the fifth criminal case of the Buryat customs offence of smuggling of the forest.
Evgeny Kurbatov
press Secretary of the Buryat customs
tel: (3012) 289 078