The packaging material used by the fishing fleet, recognized as the supplies when certain conditions

Nakhodka customs office informs: from January 26, 2020 packaging material used by the fishing fleet in the manufacture of fishery products will apply to products used as ship supplies while respecting a series of criteria.

As said the head of Nakhodka customs Konstantin Bondarev, in 2019, the custom designed 36 ships which took out 2 thousand tons of packaging materials (cardboard boxes, cans, straps, plastic bags).

Under the new rules of export of the packaging materials will apply to a supply if they simultaneously meet the following criteria:

– moving through the customs border of the Eurasian economic Union (EEU) on ship fishing fleet, included in the state ship register of the country of the EAEU;

– designed for use on above vessel fishing fleet in the manufacture of fish products specified in the licensing documents entitling them to exercise of their fisheries;

– meet the technical regulations of the EEU;

are the goods of the EEU.


The new rules established by the decision of Board of the Euroasian economic Commission from December 24, 2019 No. 224 “On criteria for classifying packaging (closures) and packaging materials used on ships of the fishing fleet in the production of fish and other products of water biologocheskoe resources, goods used as supplies”.

Natalia Sabadash

the press-Secretary of the Nakhodka customs (4236) 663-590