Over six thousand counterfeit bags and backpacks brand “VOGUE” was detained by the Chita customs
Over six thousand counterfeit bags and backpacks brand “VOGUE” was detained by the Chita customs
Over six thousand counterfeit bags and backpacks famous brand “VOGUE” revealed the staff of the Chita Zabaykalsky customs at the customs post. The Russian company has filed a Declaration for the import of goods from China.
Backpacks and bags were marked with the trademark “VOGUE”, their movement had to submit permits for the right to use this trademark. The company representatives are unable to do so.
The owner of the trademark “VOGUE” is “Le Publication condé Nast S. A.” (France). In response to the request of the Chita customs from the representative of the owner of the trademark “VOGUE” received a letter stating that the Russian company that imported bags and backpacks, is not a person authorised for the import and sale of goods marked with this trademark on the territory of Russia.
The representative of the owner also indicated that the use of the trademark “VOGUE” in the counterfeit goods could damage the reputation of the company “Le Publication condé Nast S. A.”.
Chita customs has opened and transferred in court business about an administrative offense under part 1 of article 14.10 code of the Russian Federation about administrative offences “Illegal use of trademark”.
The arbitration court of Zabaykalsky Krai made a decision to recognize the Russian company which imported counterfeit bags and backpacks, guilty, assign punishment in the form of administrative fine is 50 000 rubles with confiscation of subjects of an offense.
Marina Boyko,
press Secretary Chita customs
tel: (3022) 35-76-12